Freeze Tag

It's probably the kindergarten teacher in me, but I think all our lives we are playing one giant game of Freeze Tag.  You remember that game? When you are tagged, you freeze instantly, stuck mid-stride until someone touches you to unfreeze you. The person who froze you may have snuck up on you from behind and taken you off-guard, or you may have seen him or her coming, but one…

Paying Attention

One summer afternoon, Jack and I were driving home from the shore in bumper to bumper traffic. As usual, he was paying attention to his surroundings. "Too bad that guy spent more than a million bucks for that car and can only drive it 35 mph like the rest of us."  "Which one?" I asked. "The red or the green?" "The blue. Or he could be like…

Take That to the Bank

It must be admitted up front that Jack and I liked receiving birthday cards as much for the checks taped inside as for the content of the cards. I'm just being honest. We saw the signatures, thought of the hands that wrote them and the people who loved us. And then we made a point to go to the bank and cash them in. Those checks weren't the actual…


As many of you know, Jack never met a map he didn't like. His affinity for them started when he was a boy taking road trips with his Aunt Laura. She'd hand him a map and go where he said. What adventures he had with her! Those were dear times for nephew and aunt. And over the years he developed an unerring sense of direction. As long as I knew…


I heard a true story about a friend who was vacationing with her family by a lake. One day she fell asleep on her raft. Through the course of the afternoon she drifted out quite a distance until someone noticed her predicament and sent a boat out to bring her back.The storyteller then asked, "What did she have to do in order to drift?" And…

Getting Dressed

I first noticed Jack diving backwards into the pool at Covenant College. It was 1973 and we were both starting school as freshmen. He was wearing a floppy hat and one wild-looking pair of jams. I didn't know it was Jack at the time, actually. I was unpacking and happened to look out the window at this guy who was clearly part duck. He knew…

Ring Out A Kiss

Snoopy is hunched over his typewriter. He starts: It was a dark and stormy night. Suddenly, a shot rang out! Lucy, observing, reproves him: Isn't there enough violence in the world today? Can't you write about something nice? Snoopy ponders that, and tries again: It was a dark and stormy night. Suddenly, a kiss rang out! Love, that many-splendored thing, expresses itself in both words…

Loss on a Cellular Level

I've started this entry a number of ways. I can't seem to focus. I have lots I've been thinking about, stuff I want to talk over with you,  but when I shine a light on one piece in order to examine it more closely, that part evaporates.      This was my brain.      And this is my brain on grief -- rapped smartly against an immovable object, whisked around…

Make My Day

If I asked you to name five words that make your day, what would you say?How about, "My treat. You pick where." Or possibly better, "Who knew? It's calorie free!"Today I heard five words that cheered me, and they were these: "Do you have a vase?"Shortly after affirming that I did, indeed, have a vase, my doorbell rang. There stood my friend, with a bouquet of magnificent flowers in…

Going the Distance

I have a dear friend who loves me and has many plans for my life. Thanks to her, I camped for the first time. This may not sound like a big deal unless you also know my whole life I'd regarded roughing it as having to go down the hall to the ice machine.At her urging, I was the lead car in a trek to the beach, which I assure you was a big…

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