Worthy Goals

I woke up with plans, as I imagine you did, unless you happen to be on vacation, in which case, congratulations! Take your watch off and be happy! My first objective today was brewing coffee and consuming same, though you'll be relieved to know I aspire to more than that. I'm also washing clothes, paying bills, and sitting here, writing. Whatever the specifics, you and…

The Big Picture

My first grandbaby was placed in my arms ten days ago. Fresh from God, complete with ten fingers and ten toes, a full head of hair and working lungs, she brought with her a lingering fragrance from Heaven.  Though we’ve only just met, I can tell you right here and now that there is nothing I would not do for her. To prove it, I’ve…

Dancing Man

Two years ago I took off my beaded jacket, kicked off my sparkly heels and reentered the dance floor with vigor. Our son had married his best friend earlier that brilliant autumn day, and our joy knew no bounds. Surrounded by friends and family, old and new, Jack and I were having the time of our lives. All the preparation was over, the lists crossed…

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