Begin somewhere.
You cannot build on what you intend to do.
You cannot plough a field by turning it over in your mind.
Gordon B Hinckley
“Writen is hord,” complained my niece.
(She was onLy in kindrgordin, after all.)
She knew she cat write and did not Like to write.
She did not Like Handwriteing.
Handwriting was not Fun.
Hand wrting wasn’t good.
But look at that — she wrote after all, setting down one plaintive objection after another, one corrected phrase over yet another exasperated erasure.
She started. Put sharpened pencil to empty paper, moved it along the first line, began to fill it with her thoughts.
Out of the gate, she stated her heartfelt objection to the assignment and wrote a second sentence to expand on the first. A third line was added in support of the first two. Finally, one parting thought thrown in for good measure.
At the end of the endless assignment, she knew she had made her point.
Writen WAS hord.
But she had done it.